Thursday 14 March 2013

Welcome Jess Watkins To The Thursday Interview

Today I'd like to welcome Jess Watkins, author of "Girl Meets Underworld" to the Thursday interview. Before we get started, tell us a little about yourself.

Hi, I am currently in my final year of university studying a Masters in Chemistry. I have lived in three different countries and own an unreasonable number of t-shirts. A Whovian, Browncoat and Sherlockian, I love fantasy and sci-fi as well as animals, reading and skiing, and of course writing. I also a Milkybar and book addict.


OK - Here goes!


Q.1 Would you break the law to save a loved one? … But why?

Yes, because I would do everything I could to save a loved one even if it meant doing something bad in the process.

Q.2 What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

I think to be truly living you have to live life to the fullest and make the most of every day.

Q.3 What motivates you to write?

I enjoy creating new worlds and pushing my imagination to see what it can come up with. Writing makes me happy.
Q.4 Why do humans want children?

Part of it is biological but I also think that we like the idea of legacy, that part of us will live on even after we die.

Q.5 What was the greatest challenge in creating your book "Girl Meets Underworld"?

The hardest part was trying to understand what Stella would be feeling; she lost everyone that she ever cared about and I had to put myself in her shoes, which was very challenging.

Q.6 What is the most important thing you have learned in life so far?

That sometimes even why you try your best things don’t work out. Also that things tend to happen for a reason.
Q.7 How did you come up with the title "Girl Meets Underworld"?

My publishers actually came up with it. It’s a twist on the TV show ‘Girl Meets World’. It was originally called "Afraid of the Dark".

Q.8 How do you handle personal criticism?

I try not to take it to heart but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t affect me. I just have to remind myself that there is always going to be someone that doesn’t like something.

Q.9 Why should people read your book?

Girl Meets Underworld is fast paced, suspenseful with twists, hot guys and a headstrong protagonist. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope that people enjoy reading it.
Q.10 Why is there something rather than nothing?

Everyone wants something. No one wants nothing. Also the idea of nothing is quite mindboggling because surely there always has to be something even if it’s only atoms? Sorry, that’s the scientist in me coming out!

Thanks Jess for taking the time to answer my questions & the best of luck. Thank you!!

You can check out her new book "Girl Meets Underworld" on

Having lost her mother and brother, Stella stands on the roof of her building, about to jump. She’s stopped by a handsome young man, who jumps first. He survives and Stella discovers that Conner holds a dark secret and more than a passing connection to her own unhappiness. Conner isn’t the only man to take an interest in Stella. Will is dangerous. He has mood swings, a crazy older brother and the ability to heal abnormally quickly. Stella knows what Conner is, but what exactly is Will – and why does he appear to know more about Conner than she does?


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