Rosemary Fonseca, Is a Pagan and Spiritualist, and has only been writing since 2013. Her 2 books, “A Collection of Inspirations” Vol. 1 and Vol 2 was published in 2015. She has been known to write inspirational quotes as well. She was born in Nairobi/Kenya , lived in South Africa since the age of 8. In 2003 She and her daughter emigrated to Ireland. She writes Inspirational and Spiritual Poetry . She had a spiritual awakening in 2013, while visiting a wiccan couple (Druids)property in Castlepooke, Co.Cork, Ireland. This is where her first poem “A Journey Entered” was composed . And she still writes in this style today. She can be found writing literally anywhere as she carries a notebook with her, as her poems appear at a drop of a hat. She currently lives in ireland with her husband (muse) , daughter and 4 cats.
No.1 Would you break the law to save a loved one?
I would break the law to save either my daughter or my husband. There would never be a question that I would not, as they have always been my lifestay. My family is very important and I am the kind of person who believes in what you give out, comes back to you, so if it means putting myself at risk – yes I would break the law to save my loved one. But saying that if they were in the wrong they must be accountable for their actions .
No.2 What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
There is a difference between the two. Being Alive is just surviving with what you have and got. Barely breathing – just being, existing. I lived in another country living for others, allowing them to control what I did to make them happy. But when you have a chance to start afresh , go for it. I emigrated to another country, and this is where I am truly alive – Living a life where I can breathe and living life to the fullest. There is never a question that I made the right choice to move and be happy. Challenging yourself shows you are truly alive, as it brings everything into perspective seeing new things everyday.
No.3 What motivates you to write?
I find that life motivates me. I write to inspire others to help themselves. Nature on the whole speaks to everyone, and words, people, etc motivates me to express myself through the poetry I write. If I dont write I find that I have a nagging voice in my head who puts me into a spin if I dont put pen to paper. I believe I have a spiritual Guide who berates me when I dont listen. I get very restless until I put the words on paper. Sound mad but that how my poetry comes.
No.4 Why do humans want children?
We as humans want to procreate, and have a legacy to give to them. To have a child would complete you, and makes you a better person for having them. They are the innocent within this world. They bring you joy, laughter and also heartache but your life is much fuller with them in it. A child's heart is pure and truly amazing to see. They see things that we do not see, and can teach others to appreciate life as they see it.
No.5 What was the biggest challenge in creating "A Collection of Inspirations" ?
My biggest challenge was to become published and letting others read my poetry. It took me out of my comfort zone, but I love challenging myself to do things that others least expect from me. It took me awhile to allow others to read what I had written. Now that I have - I am amazed at the reaction.
No.6 What is the most important thing you have learned in life so far?
The most important thing would be – You can be, or do anything you set your mind to. I left one country (South Africa) , and emigrated to another (Ireland) with my daughter. The important thing is that one can depend on yourself to survive. Put yourself out there – Challenge yourself – Go out of your comfort zone and you will survive. Trust in yourself and you will be a better person. Believe in yourself, and value your friendships as you travel within this world. There is something which controls and directs your life .. be it God, or whoever, when you learn from it you will evolve , and you should be proud with what you experience. You can be happy anywhere when you put roots down. Life is for living not harbouring resentments towards others. I believe things happen for a reason, and only when you learn this, then you can realise what things are important in ones life.
No.7 How did you come up with the title "A Collection of Inspirations" ?
My husband, who is my muse , came up with the title. I have a huge collection of inspirational poetry on my computer. We even looked up on the internet to see if there was anyone else with that title. We combined our thoughts together and came up with it. He is acknowledged in My second book as the inspiration of the title.
No.8 How do you handle personal criticism?
I dont usually mind them, but I know people would have different views on my writing. I try to take the good with the bad, and take out what I need from it, and learn as I continue. No one person is correct or perfect, but I respect everyone's views regardless of who they are.
No.9 Why should people read your book?
I believe people should read my book as I hope my words would inspire them. It I can touch just one person, then I have done what I have set out to do, which would to encourage others. I would say read with an open mind and an open heart. We are all here in this world to help others either by inspiration or leadership. I believe there is something for everyone in each of my writings.
No.10 Why is there something rather than nothing?
There is something or someone out there who we will have to answer to. It could be ourselves or what evere makes you think. I would say how you treat another would come back to you. I believe in the force of nature, there is an ebb and a flow to life. Be positive, be happy, help others and it will be return to you. I am pagan who believes that we should be held accountable in whatever we do. We are the ones that make our lives into what we want to make it.
Thank you Rosemary :)
For taking the time to answer my questions
& the best of luck with your new book!
Check out “A Collection of Inspirations” on
A collection of inspirational poems
ranging from
spiritual to personal,
from love to death.
It was a delight to answer the questions . I love reading about others , and thank you for post
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DeleteExcellent post <a href="http://interviewwale.blogspot.com> really helpful </a>