I live in New England on a small farm with my husband Francis Magee, and son Charles. My oldest son Tyler just moved to Virginia with his bride of three years, Jackie. We raise mini goats, rabbits, and far too many ducks and chickens. My favorite authors are Tolkien, Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell, and the earlier works of Terry Brooks. I have always loved fantasy especially that in the epic scope. It has to be romantic, because what is epic fantasy without an epic romance.
No.1 Would you break the law to save a loved one? .. why?
I’m assuming you mean saving a loved one’s life. It really would depend on what that law was. I know anyone that I love would never want me to kill anyone. Other than that I would do whatever I could to save the life of someone I love, as anyone would. Though in all fairness I feel no one knows completely what one would do unless confronted with a situation.
No.2 What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
Being alive is existing, going through the motions of every day existence. Precious as all life is, but not as fulfilling, as being truly alive, is enjoying how you are living your life. Living your life as full as possible in with whatever circumstances you are in.
No.3 What motivates you to write?
My love of creating something with words. My love of sharing what I’ve made, with others, much the same way a painter, or a singer, or actor, loves to share their creativity with others.
No.4 Why do humans want children?
Well I can’t answer for all humans, but my reason was, what a more beautiful way to give testament to your love, of the one you created the child with. Also how a part of that love will continue on with your children and their children as well.
No.5 What was the biggest challenge in creating your book The Treasure of Gwenlais ?
A very simple yet not easily solved challenge. Time. I care for my youngest son full-time as he is severely disabled. So time is a very precious commodity.
No.6 What is the most important thing you have learned in life so far?
No matter how hard you try you cannot control most of what goes on in your life. You just have to work around the obstacles and hopefully use those obstacles as life lessons and even personal triumphs.
No.7 How did you come up with the title The Treasure of Gwenlais ?
I found the word Gwenlais while looking up old Celtic and old Irish words. Gwenlais comes from a word that means house in the field. Which in my book, the kingdom of Gwenlais is a kingdom known for its lush rolling green fields, my inspiration being Ireland.
No.8 How do you handle personal criticism?
Well that depends on the criticism. Constructive criticism is meant to be helpful so I respect that. Criticism meant to be spiteful, hurtful, or malicious, not so well.
No.9 Why should people read your book?
The pure love of a magical romantic adventure. I focus on what relates to us all. Love, romance and love of family. The wonder of new discoveries, the pain of loss, the anger from betrayal. Fear of things we do not understand. The journey that life itself takes us on and how we grow and change on that journey. The convictions we live by and hold dear, and how sometimes no matter how much we love someone, not agreeing with them is the right thing to do. I feel women should read my book. Fantasy is not always kind to our gender, regardless of being called romantic. I created male characters that not only love women, but appreciate, respect and learn from them.
No.10 Why is there something rather than nothing?
LOL! I’m going to answer this question with one of my favourite quotes from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. “Depend upon it, there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge, you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance therefore not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones.” Whether in a physical or metaphorical sense “nothing” does not exist. There will always be something to fill that nothing, that emptiness. How much value that something has, depends completely on the individual, and is subjective.
Thank you :)
For taking the time to answer my questions
& the best of luck with your new book!
Check out “The Treasure of Gwenlais” on
It is said that it is easier to hate, than to try and understand a race that is so different from our own. The Rabkin are such a race. They are a frightening species, feared by the humans, for they are renowned to be exceptionally swift killers and a deadly force to be reckoned with.
Prince Caleb of Heathwin, longs for peace and security for his kingdom and he has secured a fragile alliance between his people and these mysterious creatures.
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Princess Laurel of Gwenlais is just seconds away from death. The Rabkin have murdered her much loved mother - the Queen of Gwenlais - and they are now hunting her. Prince Caleb saves the princess just in time. This blatant disregard for life shocks him, and knowing the Rabkin as he does, he cannot understand it.
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Wishing M T all the best with her writing. Nice interview.