Diamante Lavendar has been in love with reading since she was a child. She spent many hours listening to her mother read to her when she was young. As she grew older, she enjoyed reading novels of all genres: horror, fantasy and some romance to name a few. She began writing in college and published some poetry in anthologies over the years. After her kids were older, she wrote as a form of self expression and decided she wanted to share her stories with others. Most of her writing is very personal and stems from her own experiences and those of her family and friends. She writes to encourage hope and possibility to those who read her stories.
1. Would you break the law to save a loved one? Why?
While I don't believe in breaking laws, this question is a loaded one! If you're talking about something like a child being abducted, maybe I'd break a few laws that I would believe I would be pardoned for later. If it was something like a loved one robbing a store, then no. If a loved one made bad decisions and did things they needed to be held responsible for, I'd be there for them and probably try to help them get a lesser sentence (if the crime wasn't heinous). But I believe in thinking things through before you do them to avoid situations like that! So it would entirely depend on the situation!
2. What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
Being alive to me means breathing and going through the motions. Truly living means finding peace, contentment and meaning in life, with spiritual connection being key to that process.
3. What motives you to write?
Inspiration. And helping others, which is part of inspiration. I want my stories to have meaning and cause my readers to think about life. I want to make a difference with my words.
4. Why do humans want children?
To have someone to love! Love is an inherent part of our species, whether we'd like to believe it or not. The desire to love and be loved is key to the fact that we were created in love by a loving creator. Therefore, we want to perpetuate that love.
5. What was the biggest challenge in creating your book Breaking The Silence?
This is my true story, though created in a fictional format. So my greatest challenge was getting through it unscathed! It was a very difficult process and brought back a lot of the scenarios I had to deal with in my life. But I wrote the book to help other victims of abuse find hope and recovery...and to know it was possible. I truly hope my story helps many others to heal!
6. What is the most important thing you have learned in life so far?
To be true to God, yourself and your loved ones. And to be the best expression of light that you can be to the world. Everything else is secondary. To live for that truth means everything because in the end that truth is all that really matters!
7. How did you come up with the title Breaking The Silence?
Well, it was quite easy. In my family nobody believed what was happening. I had suffered in silence. Therefore, when I came to write the book, it was Breaking The Silence.
8. How do you handle personal criticism?
I listen, I feel the pain of it and then I use it to better myself. A perfect example of that process was the publication of my first book The Secrets Of Yashire. While many readers enjoyed the story, many had a lot of criticism as well. Since it was my first book written in dedication to my deceased daughter, it hurt. But I came to realize it was not my best work and I wanted to rewrite it. So I quit having it published on demand (although you can still see the cover on the various selling sites) and I started to rewrite it. I'm much happier with it now and am almost a third of the way through it. I'm hoping to publish the new and improved version by the end of the year.
9. Why should people read your book?
Because it is hard learned lessons through living life. It is my true story. Some of it may seem far fetched, but I can assure you it is the truth of what I endured up until I was in my later twenties. There is much to be gleaned from life's journeys, especially journeys of such magnitude and pain. I wanted to share my torment and also my hope and healing to let other victims know they weren't alone and they could heal and make a better life for themselves.
10. Where is there something rather than nothing?
Everything is made from something! Nothingness does not exist. All that is has been created from something, whether it be energy or matter. Energy is everywhere, all the time. Therefore, nothingness is not a reality.
Thank you Diamante :)
For taking the time to answer my questions
& the best of luck with your new book!
Check out “Breaking the Silence” on
Based on a true story.
Joan Eastman was born like any other girl. However her life would prove to be a life of great pain…
Growing up, she was treated differently by family members, powerless to defend herself against their sexual and psychological abuse. Feeling she had been dealt a wicked hand by the “powers that be”, she spiraled into substance abuse and troubled relationships.
Not giving up, she becomes aware of a greater spiritual being that protects her and she begins to heal. Then she finds herself pregnant. She learns to understand nothing is hopeless; that with a changed view and self discovery, there is real hope in every situation, no matter how difficult.
This inspirational story speaks of Joan’s gradual self acceptance and healing of her body, mind and spirit. It speaks of the possibilities of the future and the fulfillment of the dream of love and family. And it speaks of jumping the hurdles in life without looking back, no matter how high those hurdles may be.
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